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T.I.E. Fighter Cockpit
In the first Star Wars trilogy, the attack ship of choice for the Galactic Empire was the T.I.E. fighter. With its eyeball shaped fuselage and angrily screaming engines, the ship was a fearsome fighting machine. There were several variations of the T.I.E. fighter from the basic flat winged version to the T.I.E. Bomber, T.I.E. Advanced and T.I.E. Interceptor. The T.I.E. fighter cockpit section displayed here at the Sci-Fi Air Show is the design that was interchangeable between the T.I.E. Basic and the T.I.E. Interceptor. The lack of the T.I.E. fighter’s wings allows it to be easily accessed on ground level and gives visitors an opportunity to explore the inside of the cockpit. Even with its wings clipped the TIE cockpit is an outstanding example of classic Imperial spaceship design.
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Sunrise at the Sci-Fi Air Show.

The main entry into the cockpit is from a hatch located aft, between the twin engines.

With its wings removed, the T.I.E. Fighter cockpit is displayed low to the ground. This allows for visitors to get up close to the ship.

The top of the ship has a flip-up emergency exit hatch.

A T.I.E. Fighter Pilot stands by to answer questions about the ship.

A view looking into the cockpit through the front windows.

A prime photo opportunity!

This shows a view inside the T.I.E. Fighter’s cockpit interior. As the pilot has very limited visibility, the cockpit has numerous triangular proximity readouts.

Even with its wings clipped the T.I.E. fighter is a fearsome machine.

The magnatomic gripper (also known as "gription") claws allow for various wing configurations to be attached to the fuselage.

A high angle shot showing the very roomy interior of the T.I.E. Fighter cockpit.

Rained out at the Airshow.
T.I.E. Fighter Pilot TI-2865 Brian Munger
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